This two volume set is a complete guide to medical physiology for undergraduate medical students. Beginning with a general overview of the subject the following chapters each provide in depth discussion on the physiology of each anatomical system. Each section covers both clinical and applied physiology with topics enhanced by numerous photographs and diagrams.
The book features the following invaluable learning tools: Learning objective – defined at the start of each chapter Application boxes – key points of applied physiology highlighted in green boxes Clinical boxes – core concepts of related diseases and patient management highlighted in pink boxes Important notes – miscellaneous information that may be asked in viva voce examinations Chapter summary – each chapter ends with a two-part summary outlining key concepts of the topic and listing possible long and short questions, and viva questions that may be asked in examinations ‘Scientist contributed’ boxes – explain historical links – highlighted in orange boxes
About the Author
G K Pal MBBS BNYT MD PhD, MD FABMS FABAP FSAB Professor of Physiology, Faculty-in-Charge Pravati Pal MBBS MD MABMS Professor of Physiology Nivedita Nanda MSc PhD Assistant Professor of Biochemistry All at JIPMER, Puducherry, India
Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology: Two Volume Set Paperback
by G. K. Pal (Author), Pravati Pal (Author)
Paperback: 1338 pages
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; Vol. 2 edition (31 October 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9386056976
ISBN-13: 978-9386056979
Product Dimensions: 21 x 5.7 x 26.7 cm
Định dạng PDF – 1338 trang – 425 MB